Monday, March 8, 2010

Land of in between

An interesting land of in between; where grief seems just around the corner and somehow ever present at the same time, where love seeps from our bodies in laughter and smiles, where we confront and accept the pain in the same instant. We have always lived together, but it has never been truer than in this time. We have always felt one another’s pain, but it has never been truer than in this time. The realization that there is so much to take from right now, so much still to gain. Wanting you to see me as I am. Wanting to be all that I am, and learn from all that you are. Wanting to laugh every second that we share.

This land of in between offers all of these things. Reality seems halted and yet it continues harshly onward. Time hovers in this land of after and before, as we find our dreams for the first time, as we confront those things which have always scared us. We feel alive in this land, and united together. We are going different places, but we finally go together. We continue in our own ways, stumbling, yet carrying along the way a new strength.

This land of in between is lonely from afar, as little battles are easily hidden by distance. I have my own, as they have theirs, and then we reunite once again in love. It is true though, spirits are forever intertwined, forever woven through stories and memories. Do you know, little one, how powerful this is? Do you know what force this has given you? Hopefully you will realize one day, hopefully we all will.


  1. This is just weird if I'm your only follower. :-)

  2. It's interesting...but context would help. The text seems like something out of a larger story, than a story in itself. I feel like I jumped into a book somewhere in the middle.'s hard to tell what you want the reader to take away from reading it. Well written and interesting style, but a bit hard to process if you follow my logic.

  3. I agree with Gabriel. I like the style, but it's a little hard to understand. Also, this may just be me being a nerd and I'm not sure if this is the feedback you want, but in the middle paragraph I feel like there are too many "the land" usages.
